Publication History

My publication history, though limited, is as follows:

-A severely truncated version of a poem I wrote called “Mud Man” was published July 7th, 2012 by

-The flash fiction piece “Brewer’s Fan” was published March 15th, 2010 by

-“Insight,” another flash piece, was featured by Every Day on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010.

-My poem, “Moving On,” was published in the Spring 2010 “farewell” issue of Poesia Magazine.

-“A Notional Ekphrasis”, a poem I wrote when very distraught with another poet’s dependency on a given word, has been published by

-My essay “Apocalypse,” won first place for fiction in the Eastern Oklahoma Writing Contest.

-My short story “A Well-Intentioned Effort,” which appears here, was nominated for an award on

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